Beautiful & Green—Balancing Architecture and Design
At David Goldman Environmental Architecture, our design philosophy comes from a deep recognition that we are now at a crossroads for architecture. It is time to evolve to the next level—where form and space are derived from a perspective of sustainability. The climate of the building location will have a stronger influence on the building design than a preconceived aesthetic that can be inserted into any location regardless of the local environment. Using natural systems as inspiration and new technologies as tools, we’re working toward a “new architecture” that expresses the environmental strategies in the form and spaces of the building.
How Do We Create Environmental Designs?
Progressive environmental design solutions go beyond “green building” to create “green architecture.” The challenges of conserving energy and resources while providing a healthy environment are not restraints, but opportunities to create architecture that expresses the solutions. After all, design is creative problem solving.
Our progressive environmental design process uses a three-tier design approach to heat, cool, and light buildings in the most efficient and effective manner. We start at the very beginning of the design process by analyzing site and climatic conditions using advanced tools, state-of-the-art software, and on-site observations to determine the appropriate environmental strategies for each project. These may be the latest cutting edge techniques, practices that have been around for years or even centuries, or most likely, a combination of the two.
As a project advances through the design process the strategies are constantly re-evaluated and refined using the appropriate tools at each stage. The results are a project that meets the environmental and thermal, visual and acoustical comfort goals while creating inspiring architecture.
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